Jubilant, joyful sparrows gliding from branch to branch, humming softly,

Crystal, clear streams winding boundlessly in the flourishing forest,

Majestic trees form a canopy, reaching toward the sunshine,

Luminous blue skies, replete with infinite possibilities.


Jostling awake from my daydream, the skies are grey,

Smoke from bushfires, a suffocating fog,

Rivers desperately weep, their eyes stinging from the pollution,

Forests petrified, fearful of being chopped down.


Will we heed nature's warnings?

With endless plastic bags forming rolling hills,

Acid rain and floods lash the earth,

Overfishing robs our oceans blind.


Don't you desire a wondrous, tranquil life?

Save every drop of scarce water,

Use every piece of paper efficiently,

Before all forests green, water pristine and skies blue disappear from our globe.