There are many parts of nature,
But which is most meaningful and vital to thee?
The fire, capturing awareness of many people,
Providing calefaction, to organisms and souls.
There are many parts of nature,
But why neglect fire?
Fire, father of forests,
Frolicking friskily in the warm fireplace,
Eradicating pests, bugs and the coldness and sadness inside the individuals,
And the particles and smoke arising swiftly through the air.
There are many parts of nature,
But fire, representing passion,desire and eternity,
And although grabbing the lives of a large extent of people,
We shall be obliged to fire.
Fire - An indispensably needed part of nature,
The warm,invisible smoke,
The symbol of loss and win,
Raging like an hostile, threatened ostrich,
Integrate to form-
Fire - A true part of nature