Welcome to Earth
Solar System, Orion Spiral arm,
Milky way galaxy, local group,
Virgo supercluster, universe
It was built by the creator for humans
Several billions years ago
A self-sustaining biosphere
Graded first for purposeful design
Best among all worlds
A prestigious planet
Designed within the perfect address:
The ‘habitable zone’
With ideal concentrations of chemical elements
Supporting intricately created life,
Humans live in prime real estate

Earth is located adjacent to an ideal neighbour
A tailor-made moon full of inclusions
A quarter of the world’s size
Unusually large in comparison to other planets
The principal cause of ocean tides
A vital role in Earth’s ecology
And creator of the planets stable spin axis
Preventing Earth from wobbling like a spinning top

An axis tilt of 23.4 degrees
Perfect length of day and night
No excess of sun scorch and gale force winds
The additional decoration of ever-changing seasons
Sun, warm leaves, fresh snow, new blossoms
And a gourmet kitchen producing abundant crops to the planet

Well maintained landscaping
Splendorous open floor plan
Mountainous tundra
Vast oceans
Tropical reefs
Long grassed savannahs
Soft defined deserts
Dense foliage rainforests

Plus the additional dynamic shields package
Earth’s powerful magnetic field
Triggering intense auroras
Providing protection from cosmic radiation-
Solar wind flares from the suns corona

And a custom made atmosphere
Blankets of gases and cloud
Fixtures sustaining life with air
Ozone absorbing ninety-nine percent of UV rays
Protection from space debris,
From meteors burning in the atmosphere
Though still allowing essential heat and visible light

In a world of many natural marvels of design
Lifetime insurance is guaranteed until the end days
But Limited settlement is available in the heavy market
Would you like to apply for blue planet residency?