Roly-poly up and down,
Like a restless cub that keeps on playing around.
The red collar and the yellow bell on your neck,
Makes your body seem like two pristine snowballs piled high.
Your little tail centered on your orange and grey back,
Your beautiful eyes are surrounded by watermelon coloured pips.
And your smile reminds me of my best friend,
The girl whose smile, is as gorgeous as wild rose on top of a mountain.
I remember the first time I met you,
My friend brought you here all the way from Japan.
Every time when I look at your ‘w’-shaped mouth,
My heart can feel you are saying ‘I love you’.
You are like my best friend,
The girl who talks to me all day and all night.
And every time when I am alone,
I talk to you just like I’m talking to her.
You always listen to what I have to say,
You listen to my complaints, just like she does.
And now I know you will accompany me every night,
Both my friends who I cherish from the depths of my heart.