The beach, land of the beautiful shells,

So bright, they glisten like golden bells,

The sea, full of wonders and creatures quite so unique,

From the biggest whale, to the tiniest flea on a bird’s beak.


The sea is full of beautiful fish,

So great, it could be a great, big wish,

The ocean can be a charming chill,

With water that flows, or water that stays still.


The ocean always gives you a warm hug,

Sometimes as warm as a nice, hot mug,

Creatures in the ocean have to be brave and bold,

As rich as a block of gold.


The beach is a place where we can all have fun,

Splashing in the waves that sparkle in the sun,

Seagulls that try to steal your Fish ‘N’ Chips,

As tiny creatures struggle through rips.


Crabs skitter scatter down their holes,

Trying to avoid lifeguards putting in warning poles,

The beach is lovely and delicate,

And we all need to try and protect it.