It's that time of year again when the farmers are stressed,

They are checking the crops daily just waiting until they are ripe and ready,

Early mornings, late nights but there's no time to be best dressed,

The town of Hopetoun is preparing for the season we are all steady.

The crops are ready, the farmers are putting in all they have got. Boy!! It’s hard work.

Long hours, dusty dry fields, thirsty workers complaining.

The farm is a running machine, vehicles going everywhere but there's no time to rest.

Crop coming off at a billion miles an hour, the training at the start has paid off.

The taking off of the crop has almost finished just a couple of acres to go but there's still more to do.

Wwwwiiiisssshhhh out goes the water, washing and repairing the machines for next season.

Beep, Beep, Beep the machines reversing into the shed to sit and wait for a year for another go.

Grain is still being carted but we all know we have just reached the end.

Harvest has finished, the farmers can relax now.

Down at the beach it's a big social, sharing stories of their time.

Ssssppplllaaassshhh, the farmers jumping in the ocean. Hey where's my towel?

This is the end and It's time to refill for next year.
