Today is the perfect autumn day,

I see the long road stretching far in front of my eyes.

The big and old tree gives wisdom to others,

Yellow crunchy leaves crack under my boots.

Ruby red leaves trickle down from the trees like cannons,

I take a second to breathe the cold, fresh air…

There is a lake nearby as still as the moonlight that shines on it,

The autumn leaves shower like shiny gold, like pretty rainbows.

A moment of silence sweeps the autumn forest clean, nothing to be heard except for silence.

The flora and fauna here are prettier than others I have seen.

Something about here is different,

It is a special place, one that is not destroyed by climate change.

The sunlight seeps through gaps in the branches,

Thick fog runs across the sky, like an athlete in a race.

There is a bridge nearby, it is old just like this park,

It is a crisp morning greeting me, making me feel welcome.

The leaves lay on the floor defeated, dead.

It is time to go now but something, like an invisible arm, is pulling me back.

This place is home…