I Am Disconnected...
By Hannah B
Published 29 June 2023
I run along the crackling green grass
The hushed breaths collecting in my lungs
The birds screaming in the distance
The fire touching in the dawn
It's the 21st century but I am still looked down upon
I am hated, rioted, and stereotyped by the ‘White Ones,’
I am disconnected.
Disconnected from the sky
Disconnected from my society
Disconnected, from my loved ones
Disconnected from my culture and traditions
I am lost and forgotten as the past sets upon me.
The land is burned and tarnished
As they look for an escape from this beautiful land they laid eyes upon
They destroyed and forgot
They washed our love out
They washed our color out
And now we are fading.
I hope my ancestors are watching
I hope they see me trying because I was lost at a young age and trapped in this way
I was lost from my ancestors and trapped in this generation of ‘not caring’.
I am disconnected...