I had an Oyster, I kept him in my room 

But he always let out this yuck fume 

I fed him algae but he started getting otalgy

He was not himself

He just kept on getting sicker 

Then he started getting addicted to liquor

I tried to start helping him so he started going to the gym

He was very oystronger 

He started getting healthier, then he got famous and more wealthier

He loved the fame, not for me, what a shame

He was very popuoyster

My oyster started geting old, his stories were still well-told

After a while his old age came over and he died 

Well that is what people thought but I lied 

So there was no oysterror

So this is how the real story goes 

I went and borrowed a knife from my aunt Rose 

So I stabbed him untill there was no oyster left 

I don't know why I did this, it is worse than a theft

There was no oyster left.