Beneath open sky, I find solace

A raindrop falls on my face, a gentle grace

Crystal-clear, cool waters fall from the heavens

Nature’s endearing gift.


I glance towards the trees

Majestic, verdant, towering

In the presence of the earth’s ancient inhabitants

The tendrils of anxiety steadily suffocating me dissipate

Like wispy smoke on a windy day, they are no more


A bubbling brook evolves into a thundering waterfall

Much like the hope of the human soul

Crisp air with hints of eucalyptus calms my mind

Clearing all distractions


As I sit on a rocky ledge,

Overlooking a lush valley

I am reminded of nature’s eternal wisdom and elegance

Reminded that I am but a mere observer of the grand tapestry of life

That reflects the spirit of all of us


In nature,

I am.