Island beauty
By Alfred L
Published 29 August 2024
The trees, the grass, the dirt, all part of this beautiful island.
This place full of wonder.
This place full of mystery.
Without it we wouldn’t be who we are today.
The wildlife welcomes us.
It befriends us through song.
The sound of cars speeding through the road like a cheetah chasing its prey.
The sound of ten winds sings as it hums a peaceful tone.
The sound of laughter echoes as we sit around the warm crackling fire.
Everyone acknowledges the land through their song and dance.
As we walk we hear things.
It’s the trees, they're bringing us shelter, safety and life.
Life is what trees bring.
Song is what the wildlife brings.
Dance is what the children bring to bring the land to life.
Without the land there's no life, song, or dance.
That is the wonder of the island.