I drift away in an ocean wave of harmony,
Escaping the overwhelming buzz of the tangible world
To seek where euphoria lives wild and free

The keys align themselves - streaking black and white,
Yet behold a spectrum of light beyond their frame
Which blossoms with colour to subside my dismay

A gatekeeper of all sounds the world refuses to taste,
That parts the surrealism of life from reality’s outright haste
And manifests the secret of philosophy, to rid the grip of today

Projecting a vibrancy of overtones - mellow and bright
Which echo off the walls and beyond the abyss of the sky,
Opening the world to a dream-time which brings me to flight

And as it diffuses across the air I breathe,
The silence of the world cannot - and will not - confine me
With it flowing through my soul, humming to a crescendo

A rhythm which blows the mingling of my daffodils,
A sound reaching across the sea - unifying my waves
A tonal tenderness which blesses the delicateness of my clouds

And the aura of fortissimo keeps me going,
As I press a grayscale of keys
To fall into a harmonic breeze