The grey gumnuts of gumtrees,

 are barely seen in the cold nights.

 In the sacred dark spacious forest,

 they can be spotted all around,

 near my home, near the forest.


 I can’t say more than, that’s ‘greytastic’,

 I want to grow this beautiful tree.

 Its weight is like a feather,

 I want to have a gum nut collection,

 and keep them close to me.


 I feel happiness around this nut,

 every day, I see them swaying.

 I smile when I see them,

 I see birds near them,

 as they fall like raindrops.


 I will stay with them,

 for as long as I can.

 But if we chop trees down,

 We won't see gum trees growing,

 and I’ll lose that joyful feeling.