At the end of July, the moon was out, not full, but well on its way.
The night stars twinkling, the cool air waiting.
And into that phase she was born,
With pale skin freckled, eyes of blue, curls of red and a heart of gold.

Later in time, yet earlier, in May, that same moon, again on its way
To fullness, it was, with air less cool, again the moon welcomed a newborn.
Skin darker, hair thicker and blacker this time.
Eyes like coal and a darker soul.

Each child grew in orbits separate. Each child on a journey through stars and planets
And quasars and pulsars and comets and cosmic events that shook through the heavens.
Apart for so long – oftentimes nearing, but never quite seeing or hearing the other.
Who knew that in time and in space they would meet
With thunder and earthquakes, sparks and calamity?
But then also with calm and patience and love, their orbits settling in an ellipse of peace.

To be certain the orbits still wobble and tremble
And frighten the planets and stars as they settle.
Yet their places are fixed now, in space and in time,
These moons in their cycle, forever entwined.
Like night is with day, like rain and sunshine,
Both moons now full! I am hers, she is mine.
