‘O’ Mother Nature, your heart sways across

Swaying trees, crossing ravines and mountains.

For people, when you come in sight, there is no loss,

Only heed; for when you decide that you’ve had enough,

From far lands come great waves with their thundering splashes.

The world is your playland and humans your toys;

Everywhere in the world, all we can hear are your joys.

We are thankful to you, Mother Nature, for forgiving our sins.

All we can now imagine is when the doom starts,

When your ravaging oceans step over our beloved land, 

And you have had enough of our dripping dams.

We have stopped trees from reaching heightened heights;

We have stopped creatures from ever mating;

We have stopped evolution from guiding us to our destiny.

‘O’ mother nature, forgive our greed, selfishness and wrath,

Because once foretold in our many texts,

There will come a day when you will show your true power,

for the sinful people across this playground of thy;

And only then will those fall and raise their hand,

To say, ‘O’, Mother Nature, I fall to your command.