Colourful, but dulled by toxic fumes. Peaceful, but trampled by chaos.
Kind, but neglected. Beautiful, but fading, disappearing.
Like a caring mother, abandoned. Like a sweet smile, frowned upon.
Nature Against Us
Nature’s secret, patience. Ours, greed. Nature’s dirt paths, callously suffocated by tiles of plastic. Our trickle of darkness, once only causing tiny ripples, brushed off by the word “unimportant”, now a ceaseless downpour, crashing into the once crystal waters of nature. But once voice, one sound in the crowd, becomes two. Two become four. The fallen tree stays on the bare ground, choking on the plastic air, fighting for life. Four voices become eight, eight become sixteen, and in the midst of all the chaos, a sapling sprouts. When tens become hundreds, and hundreds become thousands, for the first time since darkness spread through our hearts, pure water began to flow, a luscious carpet of green started to form, and the trail of the sailing moon was not hidden. And the sapling, its branches grew big and wide, its trunk thick and strong, its roots buried deep and sturdy, and it began to grow fruits between its leaves.
As people begin to walk astray from the main road,
And discover the soiled trails hidden by buildings,
Mother Nature returns.