Mother Nature's Instruments
By Olivia Y
Published 21 August 2023
The forest breathes through its trees,
Inhaling the sap that leaks through the cracks.
The tree branches dance,
The tree's leaves hum a soothing melody.
All the other flora and fauna dance merrily and sing along.
Their voices entwine into one harmonious symphony.
The canopy of trees had gaps,
To let nature’s friends daze by the twinkling stars.
Every time the stars bedazzled the night sky,
The dangling berries would say
“The stars are out, see how they hang on strings like we hang on bushes and shrubs. They are our relatives, and yet we are galaxies away from them, but in reality just a heartbeat away.”
Then the fireflies would come and help the stars illuminate the sky,
The crickets would chirp and the birds would nestle in the trees.
The choir of chirps and croaks, rustling and buzzing.
Alone, all monotone and bland,
Together, a melodic chorus of nature and life.
Mother nature celebrates together, weeps together, grieves together
And they sing the tune of all tunes, together.