Memories contained in a cute little keychain,
Over a century of great football remembered,
As unique as a flying saucer,
A Cockerel, the Tottenham Cockerel.

Exquisite fresh smells, the greatest fragrance,
Illusions of success floating in the air,
A witness of cheers and chants catching around a large compound of enthralled supporters,
A majestic Cockerel, the Tottenham Cockerel.

Hanging on my wall beautifully glimmering,
Appearing still and lifeless but is secretly observing,
Dreaming of the old days heroic victories and sore defeats,
A observant majestic Cockerel, the Tottenham Cockerel.

Feelings it possesses special,
Symbolises devotion, at least what it means to me,
Memories of family deeply carved within,
My special observant majestic Cockerel, the Tottenham Cockerel.