I sit and stare at it
As it lays in my palm
The world around me stops
It becomes so calm
I lost it once and I refuse to do it again
I bit my lip and tried to swallow the pain
But it was all too much for my small, little brain
Everyone says it doesn’t mean much
Or that it’s replaceable
But nobody knows
That once lost, it’s untraceable
I was lucky to find it after I lost it the first time
But the time I spent without it was a fight
So many mountains that I struggled to climb
I found it hard to see the light
People say it’s just an object
But it’s not, it’s so much more
It’s my life, my world, my beautiful seashore, that I’ll treasure for evermore
This necklace was once lost but now it’s found
Reminding me of how I was once lost but now my feet are finally on the ground