The Jew’s harp is a beautiful instrument and mine is made of metal
The instrument is extremely delicate just like a flower’s petal
There is no other instrument remotely related
And the newer generations just think it’s outdated
But it’s uniqueness truly inspired me

My Jew’s harp is old and extremely precious to me
A gift from ‘Fred’ who wanted to see if I could be as good as he
It’s not difficult to produce a sound but overly frustrating to master
If it got either damaged or lost, it would truly be a disaster

They’re ancient and international from cultures all around the world
Sometimes made from bamboo that is miraculously curled
An instrument so versatile with music oh so rich
And always a unique sound and variance of pitch

Its uses over the years include spiritual ceremonies, music and communication
Dance, connecting with nature by insects and bird imitation
With 100 different names in languages far and near
It has a wonderful sound that everyone should hear