My judo trophy is so important to me because I tried really hard to achieve it.
You can receive a trophy if you try hard enough to achieve it.

Judo can be hard to learn at first like it was for me but, that’s why you to have train.
Understanding to defend yourself in case something happens.
Don’t ever stop your dream, I didn’t and I received a trophy.
Oh I can’t believe it I came to the end of judo and off to my second belt.

Trophies aren’t important that much but they’re not what you need to know you’re good at it.
Realistic fighting, outstanding fighting you can always do it no matter what you do.
Outstanding they say, you will just get better and better all the time.
Pick up your phone and ring so you can be in it or just come and sign up because it’s cheap.
Hey I bet you every one would like judo.
Yell, scream do whatever you want when you fight.
