An unimportant looking thing, lying in the same corner of the same room for the past four years
its face no longer the white shining light of a dark, dreary place
with dirt under its fingernails and covered in scratches and bruises it fails
to grab the attention of passers by
and many now think it will wither and die

But they have not seen what I see
they don’t understand that despite the imperfections of its exterior
it can still accomplish everything it used to
it can still move me with stories of sadness and joy
it can still take me to places I could only dream of going in an instant
it can still draw me in and not let me go until I have seen all of its wonders
and it can still log in to gmail, facebook, youtube and all my favourite websites

My laptop
With a buzz it vibrates into life, and from the moment I begin, I am transported into the world of the screen, which is whatever I want it to be

My parents say that it’s bad for me, and that it ‘ruins my imagination’.
I ask them this, ‘how can my imagination expand if I don’t fill it with ideas’?
My parents say that I ought to be outside more, keeping fit and healthy.
I ask them this, ‘was there ever a man who could exercise and not get tired’?

My laptop is my gateway, my entertainment, my world inside my bedroom.