My loving teddy bear poem
My loving teddy bear lay on my bed
Its fur as black as the night sky.
My teddy bear lays its soft head on my pillow
I never want to say good bye.

It shines like a coin in the sun
I love my little teddy bear.
We play we dance we have fun
I hope we are never apart

We watch the cars go past vroom, beep, and wiz
I hug her when I am scared always
She comes with me to my friend’s house
My teddy and I have been in a maze.

I read books while she lays by my side
We will be forever friends free from all.
My teddy and I like to ride
I will always love my teddy.

Life is a box of chocolates for us
We watch the stars dance playfully in the moonlit sky.
I have never taken my teddy on a bus
Because I am afraid she will get lost.