My Pearl High Voltage Blue Drum Kit
By Max K
Published 13 September 2017
Shiny, blue, sparkly, loud, and most importantly awesome!
I play whenever I can, every day that I have spare time, Sunday night, Monday, Tuesday morning before school, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday night after sport, eating pie and on Saturday.
I play it even when I'm sad and feeling bad,
it cheers me up straight away.
I can’t wait till I get home from school every day so I can play on my high voltage blue drum kit.
I'm checking the clock in my class every minute,
I think about playing it every second I'm not looking at the clock.
If you don’t play it enough
you will grow way to big
and won’t be able to play it
so that’s why I play my drum kit so much.
The shiny, sparkly, blue colour is so awesome
that is why I picked it.
If someone ever broke it
I would be so angry
and I would not know what to do every day without it.