Tapped the tiny little thumb
giggled the glossy, glowing, gleaming Kawai

The journey began

Then path grew out in front of me
I could see the opportunity sparkling
Begging for me to come and find it
And with that first major chord, I took a step out

The notes flood off the pages and into the room
The music created tears streaming down faces, trickles of laughter and arcs of smiles
The melody started clunky and choppy blossomed into a deep, clear and rich sound
A spell enthralling anyone within earshot

The path was winding and in places quite bumpy
But the happiness in those jewels of opportunity smoothed out the adventures
The road lead me to all different places
The Opera House, the SCG, Government House, Tasmania, Victoria, Canberra, TV

But with every note I am swept away in the ocean and carried away
The road is still there and maybe I will follow it someday, tempting me with gems of chances
But right now, I will let my fingers glide across the white and black, running as freely as a river
And just enjoy the sweet simplicity and serenity of my piano.