Purer than the owner's own heart, slightly blackened by the world we have grown up in.
Purer than the owner's own soul, slightly blackened by the world, like us all.
Gold woven with silver and ivory, the soft swirling colours not so different to my mother’s own eyes, entrap seven diamonds, so elegantly woven with metals and minerals.
Light reflecting of its beauty, its elegance, its enchantments.
Contrasted to the diamonds, purer than us.
Untainted, unjaded, undiluted and breakable by only themselves, they are what we should be, but most never can be.
Bought at birth, when the heart and soul of a person is as pure as a diamond in all its glory.
Its beauty weaves its way into your heart, leaving a bright light never to dim, to provide a salvation to those who want it, those who need it those who deserve it.
Above all it provides salvation to those who wish to be untainted, unjaded, undiluted and breakable by only themselves once more.
Woven around my finger for all to see,
My salvation
