My Shark Tooth
By Sebastian D L
Published 14 September 2012
Resting on the special shelf
Right in the corner of my room
Lies my shark tooth
It is white and orange
And shines in the sunlight
I imagine the big shark who lost its tooth
I envisage it covered in fresh blood
It still smells rotten even after all these years
The shark tooth is like my mother, silent yet strong
It makes me think of my dad, he has big teeth too!
It reminds me of when I swam with a Nelson shark
This tooth I found when I was swimming at Clovelly
Under the water, I could see it glistening in the dark
My shark tooth is important
When I am angry I use it to cut my finger
The pain and frustration I feel goes away
With the prick of the fang
Without my shark tooth I would feel lonely
It is very special to me
My shark tooth.