My Teddy Bear
By Stefan N
Published 13 September 2017
When nightmares strike, and shadows creep
When it feels like there is no escape, from the gaping jaws
A saviour comes and rescues me
A knight in shining armour,
He swings a sword of warmth and justice, scaring away the fiends
My teddy bear, my sacred item,
Though twelve years old I still hold dear, to his flawless yellow fur.
Sometimes I get thrown and tossed and hurled through the air
And then I come home all dirty and shaken
Then things get bad, they get really bad
Nothing goes right, like Murphy’s law
I cannot walk without falling over
Nor stand without tumbling
It seems the walls are falling in
I run to my room with monsters chasing me
And then, in my room, on the blanket, on my bed
There he waits, to bring hope to me once more