Nature is the happiness inside of us, the warmth of a summer day and what brings us together in so many different ways

Nature is our home where we live from day to day.
The place we have to share, protect in every possible way.

The place that brings us together across the wide and wavy sea.
The splash of the waves, the crystal clear blue, the place we all want to be.

The sandy dunes that we run along, soft sand sinking beneath our feet.
The salty, sticky air, smelt all around the town
Building in the sand until the waves come crashing down.

The flowers blooming slowly in the warm, peaceful spring.
Their sweet scent wafting through the breeze, the buzzing of the bees,
Busily bustling in.

Our big wide bush, shrinking day by day, much to our despair.
Deforestation and pollution obliterating our bushy land.

Plants and animals on the brink of extinction.

Nature is how we survive
No nature, no humans
No humans, no earth
No earth,