The waterfall rushes to reach the mossy rocks,
Enclosed by numerous trees bending against the breeze,
You can hear the sound of crickets chirping,
As they hustle to find a place to cave in for the night.

The trees glow in the hazy evening sunlight,
Tiny critters leap against the thorny branches,
The Parra'dowee season draws to a slow end,
As the leaves begin to feel the hot sunlight burn through the gaps in the trees.

As the day becomes night,
The sun creeps away from the closing clouds, another day passed,
Bursts of colour blankets the vast land,
A sign for the nocturnal to surreptitiously sneak out from the shadows to begin their hunting.

The forest now a dark, tangled maze,
You can hear drips of water slide off the slimy leaves,
Petals dance, encasing the rocky ground,
This is their home.