Night Sky
By Year 6 S
Published 15 October 2018
Year 6 was inquiring into space. The night sky became our ‘object’ to inspire our poetry. We had plywood boards, which we covered in blackboard paint to create our ‘sky’ and the students’ favourite lines from their poems became the ‘stars’ that formed the constellations. It was an easy connection to make between poetry and space, the solar system and the universe. The students were inspired by its infinity, its beauty and its wonder.
This installation was awarded First Place for Poetry Object 2018
Judge's notes:
Inspired by ‘infinity, beauty and wonder’ – what a brilliant way to showcase poetry! This class’ conceptual framework was strong. The idea of linking the mystery of the cosmos to past artistic stories (like that of Van Gogh), plus the postmodern link between space travel and popular culture, connects the mystery surrounding the creative process to the mystery of the universe. We loved the overlay of magic, science, art and language.
We also loved the technique of using blackboard paint as a metaphor for the passing of time. The fairy lights and square panels create a mathematical, ordered kind of beauty. Painterly elements are well achieved and expressive, with vivid colours creating a beautiful contrast to the black sky. This is a wonderful collaborative piece with individual styles in synergy through the use of shared mediums, colours and brushwork styles.
~ Red Room Poetry Team
Watch our Poetry Object 2018 Winning Poems Animation