Oh, amazing Spring!

Your beautiful flowers make me sing.

Your sizzling sun brightens up my day.

Birds are chirping and singing, to have their say.

The warm refreshing air blows against my face.

Bees are buzzing all over the place.

The vibrant flowers start to bloom on the trees.

The animals enjoy the sunshine, carefree.

Soft pastel petals on the flowers bloom.

The fragrant flowers smell like perfume.

The warmth from the sun makes me smile.

The vivid, bright blossoms are dainty and fragile

The clouds move slowly through the light blue sky.

The singing birds are soaring up high.

Fresh, lush, emerald green grass.

Gardens dancing in the wind as it moves past.

As the blossoms on the trees start to grow,

The trees are dressed in white, like they're covered in snow.