Life is much like a river,
flowing in one direction through different stages with many rises and falls,
It moves forward each second and certain sights and feelings can become a distant memory
We must act before the world becomes a factory
These sceneries of the grass dancing in the gentle breeze, the sun gleaming brightly and illuminating the world and the scenery of the glistening white snow shining dazzlingly might be temporary,
But shall we preserve them, they shall be eternal
This issue of global warming will leave the world infernal
The beauty of the sunrise discloses that the day is here to stay,
The beauty of the sunset makes us realise that another day has ended today
The refreshing smell of the morning dew will be replaced by the smell of smoke and gasses in a strew
We must wake up to reality, our planet is fated to fall;
Nothing goes according to plan in this accursed world.
But we humans have the ability to defy fate through our thoughts and choices,
To avoid disaster is our essence
We shouldn’t flee, nor should we give up, humanity must fight together in quintessence
Nature is the bone of the earth
Its ecosystems are its body and life is its blood
It has been through many disasters and battles
Many known to the living and many unknown to the dead
Yet many refuse to see anything
A life without any nature would be a life without colour and experience,
Humanity will be trapped in these so-called stone jungles called cities,
Only to be brought down by the ones who created them.
Our life goes through stages just a like a river and only flows forward.
We all will end up in one location, no matter from which stream you have arrived.
Before ending at the mouth of the river, provide we shall even without an order.
For the future of humanity, nature must be preserved.