Our plastic sea
By Amy G
Published 3 May 2023
My favourite place is the ocean
A body of water which is always in motion
Lately the ocean has not been the same,
Us humans are the ones to blame
Here is a whale as happy can be,
Next it’s blown up by TNT
Straws in noses, plastic in throats,
Oil is leaked from rusty boats
Friendly fish are trapped in nets,
If we keep doing this there’ll be none left
Hooks in the necks of playful sea birds,
Their majestic voices are really not heard
Colourful reefs begin to turn white,
The bleached coral is not a pretty sight
The water is warming the ice is melting,
People are trying but no one is helping
Friendly otters playing in kelp,
Now they are crying, yelling for help
So save our oceans before it’s too late
What we do now depends on its fate