The trees whisper sweet things to their roots,

but their words carry away in the wind,

Insects scuttle and bird melodies echo throughout the vast landscape,

As the morning sun arises.


Despite all this magic and wonder,

I am worried,

Endangered animals struggle to survive,

The air is choked with pollution.  


Habitats are destroyed in a muddle of fear and sadness,

Ice caps are slowly fading and the seas trespass our shores,

Our ocean friends meet unnatural ends,

Helplessly killed by our mess.

Woodlands vanish and beauty is dying,

As human civilization grows,

And we, are running out of time,

Without nature we cannot live, without nature, nothing can live.


We need to be kind to trees and bees,

We need to be kind to the seas………please,

We need to fight for nature,

For its beauty, for its wonder, for our world.