The body of the creature on the bed is pink as soft as the sand on the ocean floor,
The glimmering crystal brown eyes glinting from light from the bed side lamp,
Past adventures of forts, costumes and car rides seen through another one’s eyes,
The body of the creature a blanket of safety, a blanket of cover for thirteen years,
Endless obstacle courses over pillows and under tables,
Endless measurements and costumes,
Scaling walls of pillows the sheets a landscape of obstacles,
The forts, huge and safe shrouded in blankets,
Picked blooms in vases,
Banquets of lollies and chocolate,
Dancing to music while doing chores,
We were never bored,
We would explore the mysteries in realm of the new spaces new places,
13 years of memory wrapped in one tiny creature,
In the world that my bear occupies there is never a cloud in the sky,
Rainbows, sweets and laughter is all that is seen,
Sitting on the bleachers of endless sports games,
Late night movies, popcorn and sugary drinks,
Holding tight,
to my pink bear.