A mind of its own, an audacious soul
A criminal mind
But non-living

Roaming the oceans, resting on the shores
It stays for 1000 years

Leaving a significant impact
It kills the innocent, partakes in murder
Some say it will never leave
It is going to stay

It has infected our oceans, polluted our waters
But it isn’t alone
It is accompanied by others

It betrays animals, starving them to death
Stomach space taken
Unsaved for real food

This poem was highly commended for Poetry Object 2019

'This is an unapologetic, fierce piece of work that was immediately striking. It captured the anger present in the world right now. It gave plastic a ‘criminal mind’. Painting it as a murder weapon, a disease, a deceptive killer that can’t be killed. The vivid imagery stayed with me: plastic ‘roaming the oceans, resting on the shores’ like some demonic ghost animal. This is a striking poem that will resonate strongly with any generations of readers.'
~ Emilie Zoey Baker, Judge, Poetry Object 2019