What do I feel? What is it?

Like an invisible force.

I can't see it. I can only feel and hear it.

I think it's called wind.

The fresh breeze feels like a massage but it's invisible.

It feels… refreshing.  

With this wind, the trees start dancing.

The bushes singing, and the sound of the breeze whooshing past you.

The sound fills your ears.

You can hear nothing, but the birds singing and laughing happily, 

the sound of waterfalls swishing down the mountain side. 

Smells of the flowers making you feel relaxed, 

the crunchiness of leaves smelling like maple syrup mixed with mint. 

Smell of the crunched up leaves digs into your nose, 

you feel this urge to give it a taste. 

The taste fills your mouth.  

You feel like taking some back home.