The village is calm.
Delicate aromas pervade the air,
soft music soothes its listeners,
lights penetrate the darkness.
A denial of the truth.
Soon there will only be ruins.
No soul will remain untouched
by the hand of shadow,
Pounding horse hooves, whistling arrows:
followers of the shadow wreak havoc.
A house goes up in flames,
villagers scream in agony,
suffering a slow death.
The shadow comes for me now,
its deathly hand envelops my body.
I convulse uncontrollably as it enters my soul.
I awake with a jolt, heart violently thumping.
I feel for the blanket, its warmth, its security.
The soft wool comforts me, calms my fears.
I close my red-rimmed eyes and try again.