Respect, Responsibility, Care, Courage, Integrity
By Aleen S
Published 12 September 2022
Your hairy nose, your plump fuzzy body,
You, a southern hairy-nosed wombat, slowly stride and search for a dessert of leaves.
My nose picks up the earthy scent of soft-green sedges, but it is far away.
I see you, Sir. Silently seeking solace in the screaming ecosystem.
My eyes wander to where the tall wood once stood. They were my protectors.
I see you, Sir. We stand in awe, on the footpath, framing photos and smiling, without realising.
My heart races. The unknown flashes in the sky and vibrations in the earth.
I see you, Sir. While we remove the resources you require, you reach restful refuge in the bushes.
My ears do not hear the calls from my neighbours. The birds and bees do not breathe.
Crack. Crash. Quiet.
I see you, Sir. But they do not.