I ride through the Cooks River
stench of the mud fills my nostrils
birds tweet everywhere
colourful flowers are blossoming 
on the small bush-like tree 
wind rustles the leaves of the casuarina 
I am beginning to feel calm as I pass the green trees 
with rough, brown bark
I see birds darting in and out of the canopy
under the surface of the rippling water fish dart all over the place
I am now passing over a small bridge 
over some rocks hoping to see a glimpse of a crab
I ride on
I am soon passing through a path bordered with casuarina
I go over a bigger bridge now taking me back to the start of my ride
but this time I am slowing down
I acknowledge mangrove trees 
and stick-like seedlings protruding from the mud
I breathe in and once again the stench of the mud fills my nostrils