Saxophone poem
By Olivia B
Published 13 September 2017
One two three with fire heavy in your memory
thick silhouettes peer and the sax next door sings
you're blown away by the fusion of sound
just like a blender mixing the sound around.
In my head it sounds like a swam of bees circling around me.
and I wail as I sail these sounds on the wonderful ride of a sax river.
The sax is as gold as a star, shining bright in the sky of my fantasy,
look at it i have to i just have to!
You can not stand there and watch it glow you
have to pick it up and give it a great blow.
Yes i don’t know everything about it but the best part
about it is getting to learn how to open your fantasy
and imagination.
Sweet saxophone
Let your music flow Oh saxophone Oh saxophone
Play that rhythm Play it well Let the notes fall
From the bell Saxophone Sweet saxophone
Play a little jazz Oh saxophone saxophone
Play a little jazz.
And if you play the saxophone you will know
what i mean as you click the neck strap into the sax ring
i turn into a new person
just wait till you hear it sing.
Yes that is my saxophone