Did anyone own her first?

Sienna the seal is made of silk. Try and feel it -soft and fluffy.

I remember when I first received her. I was really happy. She tasted like a soft white marshmallow coming out of the hot fire. She is as white as a snowflake falling out of the sky and landing on a mountain peak. I can touch her soft marshmallow fur.

My seal is a snowball being thrown around by happy children. Its silk is the colour of fresh milk. It was the first present I ever received.
If Sienna came alive I would play with her and she with me. But even now when I’m scared or worried, I feel her caring for me.

I swim with my seal all day and night until I get tired and say “goodnight”. She swims me to bed.

She jumps me up too! I hope we’re together until a happy end! Sienna the seal is a great seal friend.
