I'm laying in the grass on this lovely spring day.
The day is new, its beauty carrying me away.

I listen to the animals nurtured by the native trees,
breathing life into me, I feel infinitely free.

The pretty pink and purple flowers project their beauty, 
blossoming into a variety of colours, fulfilling their duty.

Smelling the long grass embracing my body, 
It soothes me and tells me silently 'there's no need to worry.'

A gentle breeze blows, the cool air caresses my skin,
I know I'm safe as it reflects the love deep within.

A calm, brilliant blue lake hydrates the life around it.
It reflects my thoughts, and I instantly know right here is the most elegant exhibit.

What surrounds me is beautiful and the liveliest of them all,
the centre of my scene, animals complete the picture and eat all my abrasive walls.

Cleansed of negativity, my unbearable feelings are gone.
The drug that eradicated it?
The locus where people are forever gone.