I was at my uncle’s special day,
When he called me over “Ruby, I have something to say"
He handed over a necklace of some sort,
That he accidentally dropped and I caught.

When I saw it I was impressed,
To me it was prettier then Sue’s dress
I showed my mum, I showed my dad,
I don’t think my grandpa noticed but I think he’d be glad.

One day I was at my friend’s house,
We were looking at her new mouse
I took the necklace off like I didn’t care,
Then I went and didn’t know I left it there.

It was there for years,
Then I finally asked my friend Ciarz,
“Is it pink with a sliver chain?
I will have a good look again.”

There it was as good as new,
The first thing I did was to call Sue,
That is why my necklace is special
That is why my necklace, is special.
