The fine, dry sand feels soft under my feet.
The waves are crashing.
The gentle breeze makes the ferns sway.
The sun is warm.
The crabs clamber slowly sideways,
Their scuttling sounds like castanets.
The wind blows my hair back.
The water is a clear as a diamond.
The sun is as bright as a tall bon fire.
The bees buzz.
I hear the 'splash' as i tread on the soaked, wet shore.
I feel loved.
This place reminds me of summer holidays.
The warmth, the comfort, the fun, the play.
The refreshing air, it gives me strength,
to run up, to run down to see the entire place.
All the birds are perched in a tree, singing and chirping.
The rock pools are as cold as ice-cream.
I am free.