If I could take a brush and begin painting the eternal skies,
I would splash colours of blue, orange, and pink.
I would make it a sunset painting, make it gradate from all different colours.
The bright glow descending upon the soft purple clouds.

But as I look again,
All I see are thick, grey puffs of smoke
Covering the gemstone that is the sky behind.
Almost as if the skies were playing hide and seek,
But never to be found.
Skies that could glitter preciously,
Into colours that have never been seen before.
Shades of joy,
Shades of sorrow.
Hopefully these dreams of mine become reality,
But instead, I’m standing in between the loneliness and the smoulder.

Restore the sunset skies that we have lost
Lost to a polluted, gas-filled world
Unaware of the wonders that lie within the fog, the hidden potential
Reach for the unreachable skies,
The sunset painting that I dream of.