Juicy leaves on paperbark - soft like the evening sun
Thick branches, koalas and kookaburras - amazing phenomenon. 
Silhouettes of eucalypts against the orange horizon
My home amongst the rocks and roots:
Yellow roof, black soul and red earth - my spirit wants to live on!
Cammeraygal people and the Eora nation, have watched you grow,
and grow and grow, generations upon generation. 

The Opera house, a sight to behold, but as zero against your grandeur
The only tree which comes remotely close: the mighty jacaranda. 

When I fly in from overseas, and see the purple dots - like water colours, 
the colour of Sydney, I know where I belong.
The smell of the eucalypt is special on earth, and one I take to my grave.
Unique amongst all species on earth - eucalypt, you are my fave.