The sun reflects off a deep, gleaming sweep of algae covered rocks.
She is a picture perfect poster child with a face painted with a passive look of perplexion; she turns to me.
On these rocks we walk and talk about tall tales told by those stepping before us and she stops.
So do I, so we both sit to talk about our long walks and tall tales told, looking over the sea.

After an eternity of sitting, walking and talking, our legs ache, skin is baked and stomachs crave.
So we crack oysters open off the rocks in an attempt to lessen the pain.
It works to a degree but after walking for so long, the oysters won't do;
We start to walk back to the camp and continue our lives in an endless strain.

Just before we reach the others at the camp she lets a stray glance loose at me.
I do the same; our eyes meet and my knees become as weak as baked... legumes.
Her hands reach around the back of her neck and tug on the hidden strings holding a piece of trocus up.
She takes off her necklace, puts the thin lace around my head and it glances my face.

We walk back to the camp, hands entangled, still in a holiday trance.
As we walk, we see the fire glistening in the distance.
To this day, the talisman serves as a track for my mind to follow when it trails.