The farm, when I’m there, I am calm.
Excitement fills me as I watch the water in the dam dancing to the beat of the wind.
Kangaroos jumping, wombats running, finding the deep, dark holes where they lay to rest.
The animals, they’re different from us.
The sleeping skeleton with its sharp teeth lying on the floor haunts my thoughts.
What killed it? What ate it?
The smell of animal poop tells me I’m in nature.
The Tallong Midge Orchid, the disappearing plant, you can only find it here.
The pink, purple and green spikes hangs its head low as it looks to the earth to save it.
It makes me feel sad, but it makes me feel happy.
Tweet tweet says the Swift Parrot.
Tweet tweet as he calls to his mate.
Tweet tweet as she sings to her babe.
The big, open space to play, to ride dirt bikes, to run, to wander, to wonder.
I’m freed.